Thoughts on Writing

Journalist and author Sarah Hampson reviews Off the Record

Here’s another great review for Off the Record, this one from noted journalist and author Sarah Hampson in The Literary Review of Canada:

“For her part, Shaena Lambert describes a wonderful childhood memory of a huge red cedar tree in the forest near the family home in West Vancouver. ‘This tree was my first love,’ she writes. Named Monkey Business, it had perfect notches for climbing and boughs that made a comfortable seat, thirty feet in the air. She could see across the woods and watch her mother from afar. The reader immediately understands that voyeuristic habit of a wordsmith and can imagine Lambert up there, with scraped knees, not knowing what she would later become…” READ FULL REVIEW →

—Sarah Hampson, The Literary Review of Canada

Journalist and author Sarah Hampson reviews Off the Record2024-10-16T12:32:08-07:00

Launch of Breathing the Page

I was honoured to participate in the launch of Betsy Warland’s Breathing the Page, a seminal book on writing, along with authors Darrel McLeod and Wayde Compton. If you haven’t read Breathing the Page, it’s a fascinating exploration of the craft of writing. You can watch the launch here:

Launch of Breathing the Page2024-02-03T03:35:36-08:00

Writer in Residence at Whistler, Sept-Oct 2022

Photo of cabin at Alta Lake in Whistler

September saw me and faithful dog Augie driving the Sea to Sky Highway for a two-month stint as Whistler’s Writer in Residence. I was given a small, quiet cabin on the south side of Alta Lake. I’d wake at 5 am and take a cup of coffee to the dock (only meeting the occasional bear), write all morning, then meet with six thoughtful and engaged writers – some working in fiction, some memoir.

Photo of Alta Lake, Whistler, with Shaena Lambert's dog Augie in the foreground

In October was the Whistler Writers’ Festival, organized by volunteers and overseen by Artistic Director Rebecca Wood Barnett. Taking over from Stella Harvey, whose work was honoured at the Fest. Thanks so much to Rebecca, Stella and to Stephen Vogler, who runs the Point Artists Centre, which supports the annual WIR program.

Canoe on shore at Alta Lake, Whistler

In the thick of this residency, I managed to write 60,000 words of my new novel.

Shaena Lambert's slippers
Shaena Lambert's dog, Augie

Writer in Residence at Whistler, Sept-Oct 20222023-05-21T07:21:51-07:00